Escape the Room Games

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Uncut Live With Crank Directors Neveldine and Taylor - SendMeRSS

Here you go folks. As most of you know last night on the live installment of Uncut, we had the pleasure of having Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (Writer’s and directors of “Crank”, the upcoming “Crank 2″ and the newest Gerard Butler movie “Game”) in studio with us.

We present the first 20 minutes of that conversation to you now. In this video they address issues with their overdue “Pathology” (with Milo Ventimiglia from “Heroes”), how on earth there can be a Crank 2 and some stuff about “Game” as well. Enjoy!

Link - Comments - (John Campea) - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:46:31 GMT - Feed (2 subs)
User comment: By: Hamid
The awesome trailer for INDY IV is online! Where's your coverage!!!
User comment: By: oldshell
ah found the audio over at nowlive. sorry
User comment: By: oldshell
Can you not upload the whole think? or at least audio for it. For those of us across the pond, listening live isn't an option.
User comment: By: JessicaC
That was awesome guys! You really need to get more guests in. You guys have a great way of making it all so casual and relaxed. I've never seen movie celebs siting back and downing beers while talking movies. Loved it! Why only 20 minutes though?
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