With the way they are promoting this movie right now, you would think that the Watchmen was coming out next month instead of next year.
Watchmen is the next movie coming to us from the mind of Zack Snyder. Fans of 300 will remember him. The movie is set for a March 2009 release date, but this week we’ve seen a lot come out from the side of the Watchmen.
First there was posters released at Comic Con. Eight posters to be exact. First Showing had those, and these look really great. Next, Empire decided to jump into the game. They released some new pictures just this week. Today the news is that My Chemical Romance is doing a Bob Dylan cover for the movie’s soundtrack. Take a look at the posters and images below. Click to enlarge.
What do you think? Are you excited for the Watchmen?
Source: Celebrity Today

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