Escape the Room Games

Monday, March 3, 2008

Once Sweded Movie Trailer - SendMeRSS

Once Sweded

When Michel Gondry introduced the idea of sweding to the masses in (or to the few people who saw) Be Kind Rewind, I expected a big response on YouTube of fans recreating their favorite movies. And that has happened, but one thing I never expected has started. I always believed the point of sweding movies was to pick a big budget action film, because it would force your hand creatively to try to reproduce the big budget visuals n a pocket change scale.

But people have begun to swede smaller films, like Fox Searchlight's Once. And somehow it still works. There is something charming about this sweded trailer, even without all the expected cardboard cut out visuals. Check it out after the jump.

Link - Comments - Download - ( - Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:35:28 GMT - Feed (6 subs)
User comment: By: Vega Bro
I'm sorry, but that sucked
User comment: By: Alex
once is my all time favorite movie....this was kinda funny
User comment: By: ethanhedman
god. these are not funny at all.
User comment: By: The Addict
....sort of charming? ...Maybe?
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